Leverage Browser Caching In Google Analytics


The Complete Guide

Google PageSpeed Tool often shows Leverage Browser Caching Google Analytics warning in the test result. In this article, I will share how you can overcome this warning. And should you really need to worry about Leverage Browser Caching warning for Google Analytics.

How To Leverage Browser Caching Google Analytics:

Google PageSpeed Insights Tool – How it worksLeverage Browser Caching Warning for Google Analytics – Why?How to Leverage Browser Caching Google Analytics – Without PluginHow to Leverage Browser Caching Google Analytics – With Plugin
Google PageSpeed Insights Tool – How it works
First of all, we need to know few facts about Google PageSpeed Insights Tool.

According to Google

PageSpeed Insights measures the performance of a page for mobile and desktop devices.

Google PageSpeed Insights score a webpage from 0 to 100 based on common performance best practices. Which are recommended by Google. It also provides suggestions to improve webpage performance for better user experience.

As the performance measuring benchmarks i.e. common performance best practices are recommended by Google. Therefore, only if your webpage is following most of the recommended practices, PageSpeed Insights score of your page will fall in Good category.

As better user experience and page speed is taken into account as a positive signal by search engines. Therefore it is fair to say that webpages falling in Good category (with high PageSpeed Insights score) are likely to be displayed higher in SERPs.

This is the only reason everybody is trying to achieve 100 out of 100 PageSpeed Insights score.
I have tested my personal website on PageSpeed Insights Tool. I scored 99 out 100. And the single warning it displays is Leverage Browser Caching for Google Analytics JavaScript file. (as shown in the image below)

Google PageSpeed Insights Tool Score for saurabhk.com
Google PageSpeed Insights Tool Score for saurabhk.com
Leverage Browser Caching Warning for Google Analytics – Why?
Leverage Browser Caching usually refers to allow web browser to store static resources of your webpage for a defined period and use these locally stored resources next time you visit the same webpage.

JavaScript file of Google Analytics i.e. analytics.js is a static resource. And it can be cached for any specified time. But Google did not allow to do that. Because they change the JS file code every now and while to ensure proper tracking.

I personally don’t recommend anyone to struggle for 100 Google PageSpeed Insight Score. If you manage to get score above 80, it will serve the purpose. And a decent score can be achieved easily by following other recommendations. Like Enabling Compression, Minifying Javascript and CSS etc. Even Google itself don’t follow all the guidelines on most of their websites. For example, see Google Developers. See the given below images for details.

Google PageSpeed Insights Tool Score for developers.google.com
Google PageSpeed Insights Tool Score for developers.google.com
However, if you still want to remove Leverage Browser Caching warning for Google Analytics. Follow the given below steps.

How to Leverage Browser Caching Google Analytics – Without Plugin
If you want to ensure that web browser should cache Google Analytics JS file. You need to host analytics.js file locally on your server. And load this file on your webpage from your server.

Open https://www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js file in a new tab, copy all the code.
Now create a folder in your web directory, rename it to google-analytics.
Create a text file in the same folder and paste all the code you copied above.
Rename the file ga-local.js
Now change the URL to call your locally hosted Analytics Script file in your Google Analytics Code. It will look something like this i.e. https://domain.xyz/google-analytics/ga.js
Finally, place your NEW google analytics code into the footer of your webpage.
You are good to go. Now check your website of Google PageSpeed Insights. It will not show the warning for Leverage Browser Caching Google Analytics. And the only problem with this solution is, to regularly update the Analytics Script manually.

Note – You may probably notice some inappropriate data in Google Analytics web portal. This will happen because you might be using the old analytics.js file. And you have to manually update the Analytics Script again.
I don’t recommend this method to anybody. Unless somebody is dying to achieve 100 PageSpeed Score without using a plugin.

How to Leverage Browser Caching Google Analytics – With Plugin
You need to install a WordPress Plugin called Complete Analytics Optimization Suite (CAOS) WP plugin by Daan van den Bergh. You can download it from WordPress Plugin repository. And follow the given below steps and as shown in the images below …

Complete Analytics Optimization Suite (CAOS) – WordPress Plugin
Complete Analytics Optimization Suite (CAOS) – WordPress Plugin
First of all, Install and activate Complete Analytics Optimization Suite (CAOS).
Navigate to the plugin settings page: Settings > Optimize Analytics
Enter your Google Analytics Tracking ID
Select the position of tracking code
Finally, Click on the Save Changes and you are done.
Complete Analytics Optimization Suite (CAOS) – WordPress Plugin – Settings Page
Complete Analytics Optimization Suite (CAOS) – WordPress Plugin – Settings Page
This plugin creates a local analytics.js (Analytics Script) file on your server. And uses the same file with Google Analytics code. Also, it automatically updates analytics.js file from Google servers after a certain period of time via wp_cron() function.

If you desperately want to overcome Leverage Browser Caching Google Analytics warning. You can use this plugin.

Hope you find this article helpful. Do let me know your queries in the comment section below. I will be happy to help.

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